Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Brainstorming: Vinyl Cut

Sketches for Vinly cut:
I have been keeping up daily with the news about the coronavirus, and have discovered a disturbing fact. Apparently animal owners around China are starting to put masks on their animals to protect them from the virus. Sone also believe that their animals might have the virus and are just letting them go astray, which I find very sad and depressing. Being an animal lover, I could never imagine putting my animal through this uncomfortable process, but if it was necessary I would do it no doubt. But I want my piece to be about this topic, to spread awareness not just about the virus and how it is effecting animals, but how strays in the US are seen as something to be avoided and left to die. Which they should not be. I cannot decide wether or not I just want the cat face or the cat and its body but here it is!

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Project 4: Final
