Thursday, January 30, 2020


  • Who are you and how does your artistic practice reflect that identity? I feel that I am a person full of emotions that I do not know what to do with. In that sense, I usually push all of those pent up emotions into my art making. This then makes my art very sentimental to me, making it very hard to give up in a certain way. This reflects my identity as a person because I feel that as a passionate women who loves art I am still finding my craft. 
  • How does your presence on social media reflect that identity? I reflect a very positive presence on social media. I tend to post whatever I want and play around with photography in each of my posts. I like to edit my pictures however I see fit, not what is on trend, and I like to use portraiture a lot. 
  • How do your friends reflect that identity? Almost all of my friends... including my boyfriend... are art students or are upcoming art students. I feel like I connect with them in a different way than I do non art/music kids. Not discriminatory toward non art students, I just like being surrounded by creative people.
  • How do your values reflect that identity?  My values reflect that identity because I believe I am. hardworking person who believes everyone has a good side to them. But I am also an unforgiving person due to this, like if someone hurts me once I believe they could easily do it again. My mom instilled most of the values I believe in me, so I think I have almost all of the same values as her.
  • Is there a difference between your internal and external self? Definitely. People put on a show sometimes with their external self, projecting a different person than they are. I am guilty of this as are most people. I have had my struggles and have hidden them from the world in my internal self to protect my feelings and well being. 
  • How do you present an image that communicates your personality? I feel that as an artist this is a very subjective question, but as myself, I would use a lot of color and marks to represent my feelings and such. It is a hard question to answer honestly because I feel I do not know my personality fully.

Kelli Connell:
I am very pulled to Kelli coConnell's work for some odd reason. I feel like it is because she uses herself as a second perspective through her work By having herself as the second person, viewing herself as someone else is very interesting. I feel like people struggle with the concept of self everyday, and the fact that she is pulling this concept into her work is inspiring. I feel that it is difficult to see yourself in a different perspective as well, especially as an artist. In other works she has herself being comforted by the other, being ignored, loved.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Franken Animal

  1. What characteristics make up your personality? I am very easy going, anxious, like to protect myself, energetic when I am around people who I believe enjoy my company, but all make sure to have my alone time.
  2. Is there something distinct about your appearance that feels like an important part of who you are? I think that something distinctive about me are my almond shaped blue eyes.
  3. Is there an activity that you love? I love to hike and sit innate in warmer weather, hang out with friends, and spend time with my family
  4. Is there a creature that you've felt an affinity to for a long time?  Frogs... definitely frogs
  5. What animals could embody the characteristics you listed above? beetle, frog, cats, fish, monkeys, ladybug, turtles
  6. What location(s) would this new creature exist in? possibly a lake/ mountainous area, or a beach 

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Blog 2: Black and Blue Response

I find it very interesting hoe American Artist changed their name legally to their new title, especially as a black former male. This probably created some controversy because like they said, famous white men were/are attached to this "stereotypical" name. And by changing their name to that stereotype makes them seem like they are possibly a white male. This then tackles the fact that Artist wants the subject to think that about him to make them think more about his art in a racial sense. Their work seems to be very experimental in the sense that it addresses very sensitive subject like race and identity through a lot of digital work. Artist also is growing in popularity very quickly, I think due to this different type of radical stance he is taking. I am also a very big fan of the movie and recent TV show on HBO Watchmen. So to see someone make art about these issues is very interesting to me. To bring up this topic about police brutality and how they think they need protection has two sides, and the side artist on is the more radical view, which I believe as well.

Thursday, January 16, 2020


Collection Project!
  • Is there something physical that you collect? I collect a lot of movie tickets or tickets in general when I go places that are important or just fun to me. 
  • What digital collections do you have? I have too many photos on my phone and old cameras that I need to develop.
  • How does the digital world affect the way we collect? I feel like all of these digital collections I have affect me in a negative and positive way. I feel that I have a lot of meaningless things locked away in the archives on my phone, but also have some very important memories that I forgot about as well.
  • What will you collect? I will be hoeing a collection of Movie
  • How Many? 5... I ended up with more than 5 yay!

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Nice to meet you!

  1. Who are you? Sammy Henken, an artist and ex basketball player
  2. Where are you from? Downingtown Pennsylvania
  3. Do you have a preferred pronoun? she/her
  4. Tell me something about yourself? I can play the recorder with my nose... specifically the titanic theme song. I also love to play basketball but have not gotten back into it after my high school career ended.
  5. What is your major? Art Education
  6. What kind of art do you like to make (share an image)? Portraiture and Landscapes 

  7. What apps/programs on the phone or computer do you use most frequently and what for? I mainly use instagram and VSCO for having a platform for my artwork and editing it, since.I do not know how to use photoshop yet :)
  8. Who is one of your favorite visual artists (post a  photo)?
    Malena Bozzini is currently my favorite artist! 

  9. Who is your favorite musician (share a link)?
    The Struts:
  10. What do you hope to get out of this class?
    I hope to successfully learn all of the programs with as little trouble as possible and have fun with whatever project I am trying to accomplish. I also want to challenge myself in this course to always try better even when I fail.
  11. Can you sit still for an hour? Yes, but I got rear-ended over the summer I am constantly massaging my neck to try to get rid of pain...
  12. What is your relationship to visual studies? None as of right now, since I am in art ed.
  13. What is the relationship between computers and visual studies?  My relationship is very lacking and toxic, I have had very bad experiences with computers and would rather do without them most of the time, but in this day and age we need to use them, and I am willing to learn how to. I think online art is some of the most interesting art out there at this moment, I just need to explore it myself first to truly understand how to create it.
  14. What is your experience with Photoshop, Illustrator and Premiere? Photo shop for a little bit of editing but very little, and everything else I have not touched.
  15. Have you ever created a 3D printed object? Nada
  16. Do you have a computer at home? If so does it have Photoshop and Illustrator? Mac or PC?
    Yes, and it has all of the adobe things, and it is a MacBook Pro.
  17. Write a five line story.  When I was around 5 I had gotten a fish names Chucky after the "Chuckee Cheese" from the pet store. I had become very attached to this little fish very fast. I would go down to his bowl everyday to feed him and tell him about my day as well. But then one day, Chuckee didn't make it through the night... I had a funeral for him and called him a "long liver". My mom later comes to tell me maybe 10 years later that for the whole duration of Chuckee's long lived 3 week life, she had replaced him everyday with a 99 cent fish from the pet store just so I wouldn't be sad that he died so early...
  18. Post an image from your winter break : ...

Class Vote: Would you prefer to have a break or get out at 7:45?


Our Google Image Game

Project 4: Final