Thursday, January 30, 2020


  • Who are you and how does your artistic practice reflect that identity? I feel that I am a person full of emotions that I do not know what to do with. In that sense, I usually push all of those pent up emotions into my art making. This then makes my art very sentimental to me, making it very hard to give up in a certain way. This reflects my identity as a person because I feel that as a passionate women who loves art I am still finding my craft. 
  • How does your presence on social media reflect that identity? I reflect a very positive presence on social media. I tend to post whatever I want and play around with photography in each of my posts. I like to edit my pictures however I see fit, not what is on trend, and I like to use portraiture a lot. 
  • How do your friends reflect that identity? Almost all of my friends... including my boyfriend... are art students or are upcoming art students. I feel like I connect with them in a different way than I do non art/music kids. Not discriminatory toward non art students, I just like being surrounded by creative people.
  • How do your values reflect that identity?  My values reflect that identity because I believe I am. hardworking person who believes everyone has a good side to them. But I am also an unforgiving person due to this, like if someone hurts me once I believe they could easily do it again. My mom instilled most of the values I believe in me, so I think I have almost all of the same values as her.
  • Is there a difference between your internal and external self? Definitely. People put on a show sometimes with their external self, projecting a different person than they are. I am guilty of this as are most people. I have had my struggles and have hidden them from the world in my internal self to protect my feelings and well being. 
  • How do you present an image that communicates your personality? I feel that as an artist this is a very subjective question, but as myself, I would use a lot of color and marks to represent my feelings and such. It is a hard question to answer honestly because I feel I do not know my personality fully.

Kelli Connell:
I am very pulled to Kelli coConnell's work for some odd reason. I feel like it is because she uses herself as a second perspective through her work By having herself as the second person, viewing herself as someone else is very interesting. I feel like people struggle with the concept of self everyday, and the fact that she is pulling this concept into her work is inspiring. I feel that it is difficult to see yourself in a different perspective as well, especially as an artist. In other works she has herself being comforted by the other, being ignored, loved.

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Project 4: Final