Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Survival Kit

What would you pack in your survival kit to make it through the week?  
Make a list on your blog.  

  • Baby doll
  • sketch pad
  • pens
  • records
  • music
  • casette
  • medicine
  • hermit crabs
  • Mini Vinyl

Critique Response

  1. In what way did you change your process to make a piece that was site specific? I definitely had to think of my site before I came up with my piece. Luckily, there are plenty of dumpsters in the Philly area, and there happened to be one right outside of my boyfriends Apartment. I had to change my entire thinking process because of this.
  2. How did you challenge yourself creatively, conceptually and/or technically in the making of this piece? If you did not feel challenged is there something you would do differently if you were to do it again? I definitely felt challenged doing this piece. I have a lot of trouble with illustrator and it's technicalities. I found it very frustrating to connect all of the paths and what not. But once I got the hang of the image trace, I drew my image on a sketchbook, then uploaded a picture and traced it very successfully. 
  3. Were there elements that made the completion of this piece either more difficult or felt not challenging enough? I felt that for myself the piece was the perfect balance between challenging and not because making the piece was not all that bad, but installing it was a little harder than expected. So I feel that these two things balanced each other out. Plus we had to basically do it over break and time manage well or else we would not get the work done, which is challenging for some as well.
  4. Reflect on the critique and consider how your experience was different from the first: was the feedback you received helpful? Be specific about why or why not. I had definitely received more useful feedback than the first. Though I still felt like only one or two people actually made a comment that was unique from the rest. People still tend to just change words from others and kind of make them sound dfifferent, but they did not. I got more critical meaningful feedback in this critique than the last.
  5. Please share any other thoughts. I had fun doing this project.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Blog Post 4

Akira Kurosawa: I have actually seen the seventh samurai and a couple other movies by Kurosawa and found them very intriguing and some of the best movies that used movement ever. I think that it is interesting how many parts have to be right in order for a frame to look correct. I never thought that it took that much thinking to shoot angles and such for a film, so this definitely changed my views. This has definitely got me thinking also on how I want to execute my project for this class by using maybe fake rain and wind with a fan possibly to add that extra oomph to my piece.

Satoshi Kon: I have actually been wanting to see one of his films about these homeless group of people who find a baby and want to return it to its mother. I find it very interesting how his cuts are actually so fast that he did not want to do live action because of it, like how they described how his frame animated was 6 seconds and then the live action was 10. I am also going to take into consideration the editing modes that Kon used like the interesting transitions and cuts made to each scene to make them cohesive.

F for Fake: Therefore, But, Meanwhile, back at the ranch!! never ask yourself "and then" when writing a storyline because then you will get lost in a boring loop of uninteresting media. By using therefore and but you keep the audience interested in what is going on in the film. I never knew this technique until right now, which is very cool to me. It also shows that Grammar matters even in the making of movies to get ones head in the right mind space.

Lynne Ramsey. I think that the sound and picture are the most important parts of a film. One of my favorite films, Spirited Away does just this. In the original version, there are all of these elements that is explained in this video that makes a film interesting and a lot more poetic and romantic in a way. But in the American version, a lot of the sound and beautiful nature of this film is taken away because  when the Americans edited it for their general public, they thought we would find those parts boring, which is not true.

Project 4: Final
